Case Study

Camp Flix Boosts Attendance with Email and Social Media Marketing

Challenge: Before the pandemic lockdown in 2020, Camp Flix grew by approximately 15%-20% per year. In fact, in 2020, before the college campuses that host Camp Flix shut down, we sold out in a record time.

After pivoting to an online version of the camp for two years, our enrollment decreased significantly. In the past, our primary source for growth was referrals and email marketing. Still, we needed a way to quickly boost attendance back to pre-pandemic levels to become profitable again.

Outcome: The two years that the camp was held online dramatically reduced referrals, our prime growth source. For 2022, we shifted to a strategic and structured social media campaign to rebuild attendance. The campaign helped increase mailing list sign-ups on our website by 100% and boosted camp attendance to near pre-pandemic levels.

Role: Strategist, Creative Director, Senior Designer, Copywriter, Web Developer, Animation

The Brand

Camp Flix is a summer camp based in the Southeast where kids 10-17 create a short film and poster in one week. The final film is featured in a Hollywood-style premiere on Friday night, the last day of the camp.

My involvement with the camp began in 2013 as a volunteer instructor helping campers make posters for their films. I still volunteer as an instructor but have also become their marketing Creative Director.

Increasing Attendance Through Strategic Email Marketing Campaigns

In 2017 Camp Flix hired me to redesign their website. The version they were using was five years old and was both visually and technically out of date.

The new website added more professionalism and credibility to the camp. Both attendees and instructors loved the new design for its ease of use. In fact, the camp director said, "I feel like we have a real website now!"
The website's success gained the CEO's trust, and I was brought on to help develop a marketing strategy to increase attendance. When I joined Camp Flix was using postcards, posters, and text emails for most of its marketing.
I updated Posters and postcards to reflect the new branding used on the website. I also added more fun, creative, and strategic messaging to reflect Camp Flix's personality.
We analyzed Camp Flix and found their most significant weakness to be not using email marketing to its full potential. We implemented a modern, visual, HTML email marketing program that was more creative and strategic. Offers were tied to holidays and used powerful subject lines to increase open rates. We used GIF animation to increase engagement and conversions.
Email marketing went from being the weakest program to the most effective. It helped increase attendance and caused camps to sell out quickly.
Role: Creative Direction, Senior Designer, Copywriter, Front-end Developer, HTML Email Design

Using Social Media to Achieve Pre-Pandemic Numbers

The 2020 pandemic lockdown hit us hard. When we learned we could not have camps in person, we quickly pivoted and moved camps online. It worked, but being an interactive group experience, it wasnt the best fit.

By the second year, the novelty of online sessions wore off, and we saw a decrease in attendance. Though we still broke even, we kept our fingers crossed that the next year would be back in person.

In 2022 we could have in-person camps again, but we needed to quickly increase attendee sign-ups to feel confident it would be a successful year.
We hired an expert to make our social media presence more strategic and structured. Like the earlier successes with email marketing, social media resulted in a 150% increase in mailing list signups on our website. It brought our camp attendance up to nearly full capacity.
Role: Creative Direction, Senior Designer

New Challenges

2023 has brought us new challenges. We had to move one camp session to the Atlanta suburbs due to the usual camp location not being available. We are using locally targeted social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram to reach new audiences near the new site.

We are also looking at ways to expand the camp into having more programs and events throughout the year. One of our first efforts was having an online film festival called "Holiday Horrors" during the 2022 winter break.

Role: Creative Direction, Animator