Diet Cherry Coke

Repositioning a Classic Brand

Challenge: According to Coca-cola research Cherry Coke was a favorite beverage for teens and twenty-somethings. Diet Cherry Coke was a not far behind in the younger group, but was a huge but secret favorite of men in their thirties. Go figure. The goal was to create an edgy rebrand for Diet Cherry Coke that related to the recent Cherry Coke rebrand, and have appeal to both audiences from the research.

Outcome: We assisted with developing marking materials and transitional branding for Cherry Coke, then did the complete rebrand for Diet Cherry Coke. Our rebrand designs were so on target that the brand manager of Cherry Coke said it was the fastest, most decisive focus group for choosing the final design. In fact, most rebrands went through multiple focus groups to nail it, while our redesign only took one.

Roles and Skills: Design Team Lead, Client Liaison, Branding, Logo Design, Physical Prototype, Research, Package Design, Illustration, Print Production

Project Overview

When the Coca-Cola Company wanted to shift the target audience of Diet Cherry Coke away from boomers to gen-x, they called my studio. Being experts in the visual language of pop culture and knowing how to present it in mass-marketing format, we created a distinct, edgy new visual look for the Diet Cherry Coke packaging. It was so successful that we were further contracted to develop in-store marketing materials, lookbooks, and a brand style guide.

Assets created include stakeholder presentations, logo design, packaging, marketing materials.


One of the big successes in developing the new packaging for Diet Cherry Coke was the speed at which the concepts went through focus group testing. Normally there are several rounds, but the concept we developed it nailed it in one round.

Logos & Styles

My team working with the senior brand manager at Coca-Cola designed the new logo, created visual assets, and developed a type system

Final Package

The final package design included 12 skus and marketing materials. We designed all twelve skus, created the production files for printing, developed a style guide and packaging templates for international markets, and created POS marketing materials.